Results for 'Thomas Henry Bernard Hollins'

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  1.  20
    Aims in education: the philosophic approach.Thomas Henry Bernard Hollins - 1964 - [Manchester]: Manchester University Press.
  2.  25
    American catholic philosophical quarterly 214.Bernard Montagnes, Thomas Ryba, George D. Bond, Herman Tull, Eberhard Schockenhoff, James K. A. Smith & Henry Isaac Venema - 2004 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 78 (4).
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    Thomas Henry Huxley: Communicating for Science. J. Vernon Jensen.Bernard Lightman - 1992 - Isis 83 (4):677-678.
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  4. Carnap, Rudolf, 17,114,115 n, 227, 252 Cams, Paul, 43 Chisholm, Roderick, 17 Chomsky, Noam, 130.St Thomas Aquinas, Richard J. Bernstein, Bernard Bosanquet, Robert Brandom, James Henry Breasted, Joseph Brent, Rodney A. Brooks & Wendell T. Bush - 2002 - In F. Thomas Burke, D. Micah Hester & Robert B. Talisse (eds.), Dewey's logical theory: new studies and interpretations. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
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    Evolution and Ethics: T. H. Huxley's Evolution and Ethics with New Essays on Its Victorian and Sociobiological Context. Thomas Henry Huxley, James Paradis, George C. Williams. [REVIEW]Bernard Lightman - 1991 - Isis 82 (1):154-155.
  6.  29
    Periodicals and Controversy.Bernard Lightman - 2011 - Spontaneous Generations 5 (1):5-11.
    In 1854 the biologist Thomas Henry Huxley pointed to a significant change in the way that reviewers were treating books that endorsed deeply flawed scientific theories. In the past, “when a book had been shown to be a mass of pretentious nonsense,” it “quietly sunk into its proper limbo. But these days appear, unhappily, to have gone by.” Due to the “utter ignorance of the public mind as to the methods of science and the criterion of truth,” scientists (...)
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    Virtue and Grace in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas by Justin M. Anderson (review).Thomas V. Berg - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1421-1425.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Virtue and Grace in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas by Justin M. AndersonThomas V. BergVirtue and Grace in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas by Justin M. Anderson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020), xiii + 327 pp.To ignore Aquinas's theological backstory to his account of the virtues—namely, his account of grace in its relation to human action—is to distort his account of the virtues. This is the (...)
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  8. Natura Pura: Two Recent Works.Thomas M. Osborne - 2013 - Nova et Vetera 11 (1).
    In two recent books Bernard Mulcahy and Steven Long defend the classical Thomistic understanding of pure nature. They contribute to the longstanding debate over Henri de Lubac’s understanding of the relationship between nature and grace in Thomas Aquinas and the Thomistic tradition. Although Mulcahy and Long criticize de Lubac, they respect his intentions and do not use ad hominem arguments. In order to correctly situate these recent works, it is important to review some elements in the history of (...)
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  9.  16
    Scientific naturalists and their language games.Bernard Lightman - 2015 - History of Science 53 (4):395-416.
    For nineteenth century British scientific naturalists like Charles Darwin, Thomas Henry Huxley, and John Tyndall, translation, and the issues of language that it raised, were crucial. Dealing with these issues became a major part of their strategy to reform British science, and it involved opening up the scientific community to French and German research. Early in their careers, both Huxley and Tyndall invested time translating science books from the continent into English. Later, as they themselves wrote books that (...)
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    Dulles and Aquinas on Revelation.Thomas Hughson - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (3):445-471.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:DULLES AND AQUINAS ON REVELATION 1. Beginning the Dialogue RESPECT FOR Avery Dulles' achievement in Models of Revelation 1 need not oonsist entirely in "enthusiastic recognition of its many merits " 2 even though it is " the mature reflection of an experienced teacher " and " as of now... the most comprehensive treatment on revelation in the English"'speaking world ".3 Learning from it involves recognizing the " worthwhileness (...)
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  11.  43
    G. E. Moore: Early Philosophical Writings.Thomas Baldwin & Consuelo Preti (eds.) - 2011 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    G. E. Moore's fame as a philosopher rests on his ethics of love and beauty, which inspired Bloomsbury, and on his 'common sense' certainties which challenge abstract philosophical theory. Behind this lies his critical engagement with Kant's idealist philosophy, which is published here for the first time. These early writings, Moore's fellowship dissertations of 1897 and 1898, show how he initiated his influential break with idealism. In 1897 his main target was Kant's ethics, but by 1898 it was the whole (...)
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    Language, Communication, and Representation in the Semiotic of John Poinsot.James Bernard Murphy - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):569-598.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION, AND REPRESENTATION IN THE SEMIOTIC OF JOHN POINSOT1 }AMES BERNARD MURPHY Dartmouth College Hanover, New Hampshire 1) Language and the Semiotic of John Poinsot HE SEMIOTIC of John Poinsot is to the study of gns what physics is to the study of nature. Physics is oth the most fundamental and the most general science of nature. All natural processes, from the motion of planets to the (...)
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    Collected Essays.Thomas Henry Huxley - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Known as 'Darwin's Bulldog', the biologist Thomas Henry Huxley was a tireless supporter of the evolutionary theories of his friend Charles Darwin. Huxley also made his own significant scientific contributions, and he was influential in the development of science education despite having had only two years of formal schooling. He established his scientific reputation through experiments on aquatic life carried out during a voyage to Australia while working as an assistant surgeon in the Royal Navy; ultimately he became (...)
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  14. Manuel de psychiatrie.Henri Ey, P. Bernard & Ch Brisset - 1972 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 162:458-459.
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  15.  39
    Evolution and Ethics, and Other Essays.Thomas Henry Huxley - 1893 - New York: American Mathematical Society.
    Evolution and ethics: prolegomena--Evolution and ethics.--Science and morals.--Capital, the mother of labour.--Social diseases and worse remedies.
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  16.  31
    (1 other version)Hume.Thomas Henry Huxley - 1887 - New York,: AMS Press.
    What is philosophy about? According to the author of this work it is fundamentally the answer to the question: 'What can I know?' T. H. Huxley , the distinguished English scientist and disciple of Darwin, succeeds in giving a clear and succinct account of the way in which Scottish philosopher David Hume answered this question. The book is divided into two parts: in the first, Huxley provides the reader with a sketch of Hume's life, but the main emphasis of the (...)
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  17. Collected Essays: Volume 7, ‘Man's Place in Nature' and Other Essays.Thomas Henry Huxley - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Known as 'Darwin's Bulldog', the biologist Thomas Henry Huxley was a tireless supporter of the evolutionary theories of his friend Charles Darwin. Huxley also made his own significant scientific contributions, and he was influential in the development of science education despite having had only two years of formal schooling. He established his scientific reputation through experiments on aquatic life carried out during a voyage to Australia while working as an assistant surgeon in the Royal Navy; ultimately he became (...)
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    Collected Essays 9 Volume Set.Thomas Henry Huxley - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Known as 'Darwin's Bulldog', the biologist Thomas Henry Huxley was a tireless supporter of the evolutionary theories of his friend Charles Darwin. Huxley also made his own significant scientific contributions, and he was influential in the development of science education despite having had only two years of formal schooling. He established his scientific reputation through experiments on aquatic life carried out during a voyage to Australia while working as an assistant surgeon in the Royal Navy; ultimately he became (...)
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  19.  8
    Sens et répétition: essai sur l'ironie kierkegaardienne.Henri-Bernard Vergote - 1982 - Paris: Cerf/Orante.
    On ne peut comprendre la position de cette œuvre, annoncée dès 1840 comme devant être tout à la fois 'ironique et polémique', sans savoir précisément ce à quoi elle s'oppose. On ne peut saisir le sens de cette opposition si on ne découvre ce qui en constitue le 'point archimédique'. Pour avoir compris cette triple exigence, l'auteur de cet essai fait découvrir dans le monde intellectuel danois du XIXe siècle, qu'il ressuscite, un monde si proche du nôtre qu'on s'en reconnaît (...)
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  20.  57
    Administrative nihilism.Thomas Henry Huxley - 2000 - In John Offer (ed.), Herbert Spencer: critical assessments. New York: Routledge. pp. 56.
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    Les «théologastres» de l'Université de Paris au temps d'Érasme et de Rabelais (1496-1536).Henri-Bernard Maitre - forthcoming - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance.
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    Collected Essays: Volume 5, Science and the Christian Tradition.Thomas Henry Huxley - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Known as 'Darwin's Bulldog', the biologist Thomas Henry Huxley was a tireless supporter of the evolutionary theories of his friend Charles Darwin. Huxley also made his own significant scientific contributions, and he was influential in the development of science education despite having had only two years of formal schooling. He established his scientific reputation through experiments on aquatic life carried out during a voyage to Australia while working as an assistant surgeon in the Royal Navy; ultimately he became (...)
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  23. Understanding the great philosophers.Henry Thomas - 1962 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Doubleday.
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    The living world of philosophy.Henry Thomas - 1946 - Philadelphia,: The Blakiston company.
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    (2 other versions)Living biographies of great philosophers.Henry Thomas - 1941 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Perma Giants. Edited by Dana Lee Thomas.
    Short biographies of twenty world famous philosophers.
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    Words & testimonies: the Carey memorial lecture, Baltimore Yearly Meeting, 1971.Thomas Henry Silcock - 1972 - [Wallingford, Pa.,: Pendle Hill Publications.
  27. Collected Essays: Volume 9, Evolution and Ethics.Thomas Henry Huxley - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Known as 'Darwin's Bulldog', the biologist Thomas Henry Huxley was a tireless supporter of the evolutionary theories of his friend Charles Darwin. Huxley also made his own significant scientific contributions, and he was influential in the development of science education despite having had only two years of formal schooling. He established his scientific reputation through experiments on aquatic life carried out during a voyage to Australia while working as an assistant surgeon in the Royal Navy; ultimately he became (...)
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  28. Collected Essays: Volume 2, Darwiniana.Thomas Henry Huxley - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Known as 'Darwin's Bulldog', the biologist Thomas Henry Huxley was a tireless supporter of the evolutionary theories of his friend Charles Darwin. Huxley also made his own significant scientific contributions, and he was influential in the development of science education despite having had only two years of formal schooling. He established his scientific reputation through experiments on aquatic life carried out during a voyage to Australia while working as an assistant surgeon in the Royal Navy; ultimately he became (...)
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  29. Collected Essays: Volume 6, Hume: With Helps to the Study of Berkeley.Thomas Henry Huxley - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Known as 'Darwin's Bulldog', the biologist Thomas Henry Huxley was a tireless supporter of the evolutionary theories of his friend Charles Darwin. Huxley also made his own significant scientific contributions, and he was influential in the development of science education despite having had only two years of formal schooling. He established his scientific reputation through experiments on aquatic life carried out during a voyage to Australia while working as an assistant surgeon in the Royal Navy; ultimately he became (...)
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  30. Collected Essays: Volume 8, Discourses: Biological and Geological.Thomas Henry Huxley - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Known as 'Darwin's Bulldog', the biologist Thomas Henry Huxley was a tireless supporter of the evolutionary theories of his friend Charles Darwin. Huxley also made his own significant scientific contributions, and he was influential in the development of science education despite having had only two years of formal schooling. He established his scientific reputation through experiments on aquatic life carried out during a voyage to Australia while working as an assistant surgeon in the Royal Navy; ultimately he became (...)
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  31.  14
    Hunger of wholiness, man's universal motive.Thomas Henry Howells - 1940 - Denver,: The World press.
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    A comparative study of those who accept as against those who reject religious authority.Thomas Henry Howells - 1928 - Iowa City,: The University.
  33. Evolution and ethics.Thomas Henry Huxley - 1902 - New York,: Greenwood Press.
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  34. Buzurgān-i falsafah =.Henry Thomas - 1969 - Tihrān: Bungāh-i Tarjumah va Nashr-i Kitāb. Edited by Farīdūn Badrahʹī.
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    Biographical encyclopedia of philosophy.Henry Thomas - 1965 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Doubleday.
    Sketches of the careers and beliefs of over 400 of the outstanding men and women of all time whose philosophies have influenced the world.
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  36.  22
    (1 other version)The Platonism of Philo Judaeus.Thomas Henry Billings - 1915 - New York: Garland.
  37. L'œuvre édifiante de Søren Kierkegaard.Henri-Bernard Vergote - 1997 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 10:178.
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    Agnosticism and Christianity, and other essays.Thomas Henry Huxley - 1931 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Lectures on evolution -- On the physical basis of life -- Naturalism and supernaturalism -- The value of witness to the miraculous -- Agnosticism -- The Christian tradition in relation to Judaic Christianity -- Agnosticism and Christianity.
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    The essence of T. H. Huxley: selections from his writings.Thomas Henry Huxley - 1967 - New York,: St. Martin's Press. Edited by Cyril Bibby.
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  40. Collected Essays: Volume 4, Science and the Hebrew Tradition.Thomas Henry Huxley - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Known as 'Darwin's Bulldog', the biologist Thomas Henry Huxley was a tireless supporter of the evolutionary theories of his friend Charles Darwin. Huxley also made his own significant scientific contributions, and he was influential in the development of science education despite having had only two years of formal schooling. He established his scientific reputation through experiments on aquatic life carried out during a voyage to Australia while working as an assistant surgeon in the Royal Navy; ultimately he became (...)
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  41. Aʻlām al-falāsifah: kayfa nafhamuhum.Henry Thomas - 1964 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Nahḍah al-ʻArabīyah. Edited by Mitrī Amīn & Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd.
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    What is an enhancer?Henry Fabian Thomas & Christa Buecker - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (10):2300044.
    Tight control of the transcription process is essential for the correct spatial and temporal gene expression pattern during development and in homeostasis. Enhancers are at the core of correct transcriptional activation. The original definition of an enhancer is straightforward: a DNA sequence that activates transcription independent of orientation and direction. Dissection of numerous enhancer loci has shown that many enhancer‐like elements might not conform to the original definition, suggesting that enhancers and enhancer‐like elements might use multiple different mechanisms to contribute (...)
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  43.  44
    (1 other version)Evolution and ethics.Thomas Henry Huxley - 1896 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. Edited by Thomas Henry Huxley.
    Evolution and ethics. Prolegomena (1894).--Evolution and ethics (1893).--Science and morals (1886).--Capital, the mother of labour (1890).--Social diseases and worse remedies (1891): Preface. The struggle for existence in human society. Letters to the Times. Legal opinions. The articles of war of the Salvation Army.
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    Dialectique de la communication. Texte de Kierkegaard.Henri-Bernard Vergote & Sören Kierkegaard - 1971 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 76 (1):53 - 76.
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    Showing, Not Saying, Negation and Falsehood: Establishing Kimhi’s Two-Way Logical Capacities with Wittgenstein’s Samples.Thomas Henry Raysmith - 2023 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 12:34-53.
    Recently, Irad Kimhi has argued that negation and falsehood can be made intelligible by understanding assertions/judgements as acts of two-way logical capacities. These are capacities that are, at the same time, for (1) positive and negative assertions/judgements and (2) positive and negative facts. Kimhi’s account of negation and falsehood, however, faces severe problems. I argue that these problems can be resolved, and that a new understanding of cases of negation and falsehood can be achieved, by regarding two-way logical capacities for (...)
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  46.  10
    Hume, with Helps to the study of Berkeley.Thomas Henry Huxley - 1898 - New York,: Greenwood Press.
    Hume: Hume's life. Hume's philosophy.--Helps to the study of Berkeley: Bishop Berkeley on the metaphysics of sensation (1871). On sensation and the unity of structure of sensiferous organs (1879).
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  47.  13
    Hegel’s Concept of Science.Thomas Henry Lutzow - 1976 - The Owl of Minerva 10 (1):9-9.
    This treatise is divided int9 four chapters with footnotes appearing at the end of each chapter. Following the conclusion there are three appendices which clarify a few points introduced in the text but not treated there. Some changes have been made to secondary material. On occasion when quoting Kaufmann's Hegel: Texts and Commentary, the translation of Begriff as "Concept" is changed to "Notion". This was done only to preserve the flow of presentation. The majority of translations have Begriff as "Notion". (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Touchstone for ethics, 1893-1943.Thomas Henry Huxley - 1947 - New York,: Harper. Edited by Julian Huxley.
    Introduction: historical and critical, by Julian Huxley.--Prolegomena, written by T.H. Huxley as an introd. to Evolution and ethics.--Evolution and ethics, Romanes lecture delivered by T.H. Huxley in 1893.--Evolutionary ethics, Romanes lecture delivered by Julian Huxley in 1943.--The vindication of Darwinism, by Julian Huxley (1945)--Conclusion, by Julian Huxley.
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  49. Collected Essays: Volume 1, Methods and Results.Thomas Henry Huxley - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Known as 'Darwin's Bulldog', the biologist Thomas Henry Huxley was a tireless supporter of the evolutionary theories of his friend Charles Darwin. Huxley also made his own significant scientific contributions, and he was influential in the development of science education despite having had only two years of formal schooling. He established his scientific reputation through experiments on aquatic life carried out during a voyage to Australia while working as an assistant surgeon in the Royal Navy; ultimately he became (...)
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  50.  20
    Une finance soutenable : quelle utopie?Thomas Lagoarde-Segot & Bernard Paranque - 2019 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 19 (2):157-199.
    Cet article part du constat d’une contradiction entre les exigences actuelles de soutenabilité et le fonctionnement du système financier. Nous revenons en premier lieu sur les présupposés épistémologiques de la théorie financière pour montrer que celle-ci constitue une Idéologie de la financiarisation des économies et des sociétés. Nous nous ancrons alors dans l’analyse Ricœurienne de l’imaginaire culturel pour développer une Utopie en contrepoint, que nous intitulons la Finance Comme Commun. Par la réflexivité qu’elle permet, cette dernière fait apparaître les structures (...)
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